Monday 19th June 2023
C2C Presents
Drake White
Plus Stephen Wilson Jr
7:30 pm until 11:00 pm
Price: £24.69
Status: On Sale (Updated on March 1st 2023)
Read our guide to buying and using tickets.
Doors open at 7:30 PM – Event ends at 11:00 PM
Age: You must be 16 years of age or more to attend this event (no exceptions). | Photo ID – We require original physical (non-digital) photo ID and use ID scanning. Without ID we will refuse you entry. | | Access – Standing. There are no seats assigned. The venue is arranged on several floors with many stairs and no lift. Find out more about accessiblity.
About Drake White
“I’m a relentless optimist,” says Drake White. “I’ve always been a glass half full guy.”
Given the challenges of present-day life, that outlook has been known to earn the occasional eye roll. But if ever an artist had the vantage point, the experience, the pure street cred to make it believable, then turn it into an album as powerful as his life story, it is Drake.
Nearly three years after a congenital condition led to a stroke that paralyzed his left side and nearly killed him, Drake’s release of THE OPTIMYSTIC is a statement of strength and resilience sure to speak to the survivor in each of us and inspire us all to reach for our best selves.
THE OPTIMYSTIC is, above all, a musical declaration of renewal. Its cornerstones are two songs that grew out of the period of reflection and recuperation that followed the debilitating haemorrhagic stroke in August 2019 during a performance in Roanoke, Virginia, then hospitalization, surgeries, and a slow and painful rehabilitation. “Hurts the Healing,” which begins, “Maybe tears don’t fall for nothing,” acknowledges the stinging pain of loss, then goes on to find the seeds of growth and redemption within it. “Giants” looks at life’s stumbling blocks, from heartbreak to addiction, and sees them as springboards— “But they don’t know they’re turning underdogs to lions/So bring on those giants.”
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