Job Applications

Positions become available for Scala bar staff, bar support staff and cloakroom staff regularly. Use the online application form below to apply to any or all of these.

When to expect a response

We keep your application for two weeks and may contact you if we need staff in that period. After two weeks, if you have not heard from us, you may re-apply if you’d still like to work with us. We get so many applications that we don’t respond to all of them or give feedback. Sorry.

Application Form

    Job position

    Please select the job position/s you are applying for. (You may select more than one)

    Bar staffBar supportCloakroom staff

    Your personal details

    Your Full Name (first and surname required)

    Your Email Address (required)

    Your Home Address

    Your Mobile Phone Number

    Alternative phone number (optional)


    Your National Insurance Number

    Your date of birth

    Your Work

    Do you intend for this to be your main job?


    Are you currently studying?


    Will you work Friday and Saturday?


    Do you have any relevant experience?


    Please give us details of your last two employers

    Previous Employer 1

    Employer's name

    Your job position

    Date job started

    Length of employment (years and/or months)

    Company name

    Company address

    Company phone number

    Previous Employer 2

    Employer's name

    Your job position

    Date job started

    Length of employment (years and/or months)

    Company name

    Company address

    Company phone number

    Is there any other relevant information you would like us to know?
    (in 60 words or less)

    Please answer to prove you are a real person and not an evil spam robot. Type a single letter or number as your answer.

    Read our privacy policy.